英 [bɪ'hiːmɒθ; 'biːhɪ,məʊθ]美 [bɪ'himɔθ]
behemoth 怪物,超级公司来自希伯来语,怪物。
- behemoth (n.)
- late 14c., huge biblical beast (Job xl:15), from Latin behemoth, from Hebrew b'hemoth, usually taken as plural of intensity of b'hemah "beast." But the Hebrew word is perhaps a folk etymology of Egyptian pehemau, literally "water-ox," the name for the hippopotamus.
Long before Jumbo was dreamed of, a hippo was exhibited by George K. Bailey, who invented the tank on wheels now used so generally in the circuses. The beast was advertised as "the blood sweating Behemoth of Holy Writ," and he made several men rich. [Isaac F. Marcosson, "Sawdust and Gold Dust," in "The Bookman," June 1910]
- 1. The city is a sprawling behemoth with no heart.
- 这座城市无计划地向外扩展着,成为一个中心缺失的庞然大物。
- 2. The behemoth jet towers six stories and may have crossed the line of common political sense.
- 这个体积庞大的喷气飞机有六层楼房那么高,也许已经为普通的政治常识所不能容忍.
- 3. Behold now , Behemoth, which I made as well as you; He eats grass like an ox.
- 伯 40:15 你且观看河马.造你也造他. 吃草与牛一样.
- 4. Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
- 你且观看河马.我造你也 造 它. 它吃草与牛一样.
- 5. On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of living things, the redwood, thrives.
- 生命中的庞然大物红杉树, 就在这雨水替代物的涓滴滋养下茁壮成长.